
Tips on how to Diagnose a Subaru

Open the driver's side door and sit in the driver's seat. Uncover the scanner junction panel underneath the steering wheel. Open the panel and connect the OBDII scanner tool to the junction.

Insert the Subaru car keys in to the ignition switch. Turn it to the "On" position but do not start off the engine . Let the OBDII scanner communicate with the car's onboard computer system and read codes stored within the memory. Appear in the scanner because it displays the codes picked up. Write down the code numbers on a notepad using a pen, even if the scanner tells you what the code stands for -- you will need it later to describe to a mechanic.

Turn the auto ignition back towards the "Off" position and remove the car or truck keys from the Subaru. Connect for the Internet using a computer system and look up the codes you wrote down if your scanner doesn't describe them in detail. Write down the descriptions on your notepad.

Reconnect the scanner towards the Subaru and turn the car or truck for the "On" position again. Direct the scanner to wipe the existing codes inside the vehicle . Turn the auto "Off" and remove the scanner. Turn on the car or truck and its engine and drive it around to try and get the auto to turn on its check engine light again. Repeat the code reading process on the Subaru to confirm the same codes are being signaled by the engine sensors and the first time was not a blip. Take the car or truck to a mechanic with your confirmed information and direct the shop to make the necessary repairs.

